DiscoverThe Lets Read Podcast242: THERE'S SOMETHING OUTSIDE OUR CABIN | 23 True Scary Stories | EP 230
242: THERE'S SOMETHING OUTSIDE OUR CABIN | 23 True Scary Stories | EP 230

242: THERE'S SOMETHING OUTSIDE OUR CABIN | 23 True Scary Stories | EP 230

Update: 2024-06-041


This episode continues to explore unsettling encounters with strangers, sharing stories of a ghostly hand, a man chasing a woman on a bike, a man body slamming a woman on the street, a man who lured two young women into a temple, and a man hiding in bushes who approached a woman on her scooter, highlighting the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers. The episode begins with a story about a ghostly hand that waved at the host from the garage door when she was a child. The host's sister also experienced the same phenomenon, adding to the unsettling nature of the encounter. The host then recounts a story about a man who chased her on a bike while she was riding home from work. The host's fighter flight response kicked in, and she pedaled her bike as fast as she could, eventually escaping the man. The host then shares a story about a man who repeatedly body slammed her on the street while pretending it was an accident. The host was able to escape the man with the help of a mysterious stranger who took her to the subway. The host believes that the stranger was a plain clothes cop, but she never knew for sure. The episode then shifts to a story about two young women who were lured into a temple by a man who offered them free rooms. The man's behavior became increasingly unsettling, and the women eventually realized that something was wrong and left the temple. The episode concludes with a story about a man who approached the host on her scooter while she was riding home from work. The man was hiding in the bushes and started to walk towards the host when she stopped to check her phone. The host immediately got on her scooter and drove away, realizing that she should never have stopped in the first place. The episode emphasizes the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers, especially at night. The episode also highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions to protect yourself, even if you feel safe.


The Great Comanche Raid of 1840

This Chapter explores the events leading up to the Great Comanche Raid of 1840, a brutal act of revenge by the Comanche against Texan authorities. The raid was sparked by a failed peace negotiation, where the Comanche were unable to secure the release of their captured chiefs and fallen warriors. The Comanche, seeking vengeance, launched a devastating attack on the Texan town of Victoria, killing civilians, looting stores, and torturing captives. The raid, while initially successful, ultimately led to the Comanche's downfall as Texan Rangers pursued them and eventually ambushed them at Plum Creek.

The Capture of Cynthia Ann Parker

This Chapter recounts the story of Cynthia Ann Parker, a young girl captured by the Comanche during the raid on Fort Parker in 1836. Cynthia, despite the initial trauma of her abduction, was integrated into the Comanche tribe and eventually became a respected member of the community. She married a Comanche war chief, Peta Nakona, and had three children with him. In 1860, after more than two decades of captivity, Cynthia was discovered by Texas Rangers and returned to her family. However, she struggled to reintegrate into Anglo-American society and eventually died in 1871.

The Story of Rachel Parker Plummer

This Chapter focuses on the story of Rachel Parker Plummer, Cynthia Ann Parker's second cousin, who was also captured during the raid on Fort Parker. Rachel's account provides valuable insights into the Comanche culture and their brutal treatment of captives. She endured horrific abuse, including the murder of her infant son, and was forced to witness the torture and execution of other captives. Despite the hardships she faced, Rachel displayed remarkable resilience and eventually earned the respect of her captors. She was eventually ransomed by Mexican merchants and returned to her family, but died shortly after her release, likely due to the trauma of her captivity.

A Family Legend

This Chapter shares a family legend passed down through generations about a Tonkawa ancestor who was forced to flee his home after a brutal massacre by scout hunters. The story highlights the violence and brutality that characterized life on the frontier and the lengths to which people would go to survive. The legend serves as a reminder of the complex and often tragic history of Native American tribes in the United States.

A Creepy Camping Trip

This Chapter recounts a personal anecdote from the host about a camping trip with his friend Walker, who was struggling to cope with the loss of his wife and daughter. Walker's plan to find solace in a remote waterfall, involving a three-day fast and a solitary vigil, highlights the profound impact of grief and the lengths to which people will go to find peace. The host's account of Walker's behavior and the unsettling events that unfolded during the trip provide a poignant reflection on the complexities of human emotion and the power of friendship.

A Solo Hiking Trip

This Chapter discusses the host's transition to solo hiking after his friends stopped joining him on trips. He initially found it strange to experience adventures alone, but eventually came to enjoy the freedom and flexibility it offered. He also discusses the safety concerns of solo hiking, particularly in the United States, where he often carries bear mace, a GPS system, and sometimes a gun for protection.

A Cautionary Tale

This Chapter recounts a disturbing encounter the host had with a woman on a solo hiking trip. He met a woman named Ali who was also hiking alone and invited her to join him. They had a pleasant conversation and seemed to be getting along well, but the host's gut feeling told him something was off. He noticed a shadowy figure following them and tried to warn Ali, but she dismissed his concerns. The host eventually realized that Ali and the shadowy figure were working together and decided to leave, but Ali became increasingly aggressive and hostile. The host eventually ran away, fearing for his safety, and later discovered that Ali had been trying to lure him into a trap.

The Disappearance of Christina Kaleika

This Chapter tells the story of Christina Kaleika, a young woman who vanished from Rainbow Falls Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada, in 2007. The episode details the extensive search efforts that were undertaken, including the use of police officers, firefighters, divers, canine units, airplanes, helicopters, and watercraft. Despite these efforts, no trace of Christina was found. The episode explores various theories about her disappearance, including a bear attack, misadventure, and abduction. The episode also discusses the frustrations experienced by law enforcement and Christina's family, who were left with more questions than answers.

An Encounter with Happy

This Chapter recounts a strange encounter the host had with a man named Happy at a cannabis dispensary in Venice Beach. Happy was unkempt, smelled strongly of death, and had a homemade tattoo of a smiley face on his arm. The host found Happy's behavior unsettling and was relieved when he left the dispensary. The host later learned that Happy had threatened the security guard, highlighting the potential danger of encountering strangers with unpredictable behavior.

A Tinder Date Gone Wrong

This Chapter tells the story of a friend who was stood up on a Tinder date in Utrecht, Netherlands. A man who was already at the bar offered to buy the friend and her two friends drinks. The friends enjoyed the drinks and conversation, but the man became increasingly suggestive and inappropriate. The waitress warned the friends that the man had a history of drugging and taking advantage of women who were stood up at the bar. The friends left the bar and later discovered that the man was actually the Tinder date who had stood them up. The episode highlights the importance of being cautious when meeting strangers online and the potential dangers of accepting drinks from unknown individuals.

A Suspicious Uber Ride

This Chapter recounts a disturbing experience the host had with an Uber driver. The driver stared at the host through the mirror, took a different route, and stopped in a secluded area, claiming that his car had broken down. The host was suspicious and called another Uber, which arrived quickly. The host reported the incident to Uber, but the report did not lead to any action. The episode highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and trusting your gut instincts when something feels off.

A Strange Maintenance Man

This Chapter tells the story of a man who claimed to be a maintenance man and tried to enter the host's townhouse. The host and his husband were suspicious because the man was not wearing a uniform and they had not called for any maintenance. The man eventually left without doing any work, but the host felt uneasy about the encounter. The episode highlights the importance of being cautious about strangers who claim to be providing services, especially if they do not have proper identification or appear suspicious.

A Man on the Balcony

This Chapter recounts a frightening experience the host had with a man who was standing on her balcony. The host was leaving work late at night when she saw the man and felt uneasy. The man walked away, but then turned around and started walking towards her. The host was scared and called the police, but they were unable to help because there was no damage. The episode highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions to protect yourself, even if you feel safe.

A Creepy Toy Store

This Chapter tells the story of a strange encounter the host had in a toy store when she was 15 years old. The host was looking for a puzzle with her sister when a man at the cash register told them that the puzzles were downstairs. The host felt uneasy about the situation and made an excuse to leave the store. The episode highlights the importance of trusting your gut instincts and avoiding situations that feel unsafe.

A Deaf Coworker Who Harassed

This Chapter recounts a disturbing experience the host had with a deaf coworker who harassed her and other female coworkers. The coworker made inappropriate comments, failed to follow instructions, and intimidated the host and other women. The host eventually reported the coworker to HR and he was fired. The episode highlights the importance of speaking up against harassment and discrimination, even when it involves someone with a disability.

A Ghostly Hand

This Chapter tells a story from the host's childhood about a ghostly hand that waved at her from the garage door. The host was scared and called for her mother, who called the neighbor to investigate. The neighbor could not find anyone, leaving the host with a lingering sense of unease. The episode highlights the power of childhood memories and the lingering fear that can come from unexplained events.

A Bike Ride Home

This Chapter recounts a story about a man who chased the host on a bike while she was riding home from work. The host's fighter flight response kicked in, and she pedaled her bike as fast as she could, eventually escaping the man. The episode highlights the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers, especially at night.

A Man Body Slamming

This Chapter shares a story about a man who repeatedly body slammed the host on the street while pretending it was an accident. The host was able to escape the man with the help of a mysterious stranger who took her to the subway. The host believes that the stranger was a plain clothes cop, but she never knew for sure. The episode highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions to protect yourself, even if you feel safe.

A Temple Encounter

This Chapter recounts a story about two young women who were lured into a temple by a man who offered them free rooms. The man's behavior became increasingly unsettling, and the women eventually realized that something was wrong and left the temple. The episode highlights the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers, especially when they offer something that seems too good to be true.

A Man Hiding in Bushes

This Chapter recounts a story about a man who approached the host on her scooter while she was riding home from work. The man was hiding in the bushes and started to walk towards the host when she stopped to check her phone. The host immediately got on her scooter and drove away, realizing that she should never have stopped in the first place. The episode emphasizes the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers, especially at night.



The Comanche were a Native American tribe who inhabited the Great Plains of North America, primarily in present-day Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. They were known for their fierce independence, skilled horsemanship, and raiding tactics. The Comanche were a powerful force in the region for centuries, but their way of life was disrupted by the arrival of European settlers and the subsequent westward expansion of the United States. The Comanche were eventually forced onto reservations, and their population declined significantly due to disease, warfare, and displacement. Despite the hardships they faced, the Comanche have maintained a strong cultural identity and continue to play a significant role in the history and culture of the American Southwest.

Great Comanche Raid

The Great Comanche Raid of 1840 was a major event in the history of the Comanche and the Republic of Texas. It was a brutal act of revenge by the Comanche against Texan authorities after a failed peace negotiation. The Comanche, seeking to avenge their captured chiefs and fallen warriors, launched a devastating attack on the Texan town of Victoria, killing civilians, looting stores, and torturing captives. The raid, while initially successful, ultimately led to the Comanche's downfall as Texan Rangers pursued them and eventually ambushed them at Plum Creek. The Great Comanche Raid is a significant example of the violence and conflict that characterized the frontier era in the United States.

Cynthia Ann Parker

Cynthia Ann Parker was a young girl captured by the Comanche during the raid on Fort Parker in 1836. She was raised as a Comanche and eventually became a respected member of the tribe. She married a Comanche war chief, Peta Nakona, and had three children with him. In 1860, after more than two decades of captivity, Cynthia was discovered by Texas Rangers and returned to her family. However, she struggled to reintegrate into Anglo-American society and eventually died in 1871. Cynthia Ann Parker's story is a poignant example of the cultural clash between Native Americans and European settlers in the 19th century and the enduring power of human resilience.

Fort Parker

Fort Parker was a fortified compound built by the Parker family in Limestone County, Texas, in the 1830s. It was the site of a devastating Comanche raid in 1836, which resulted in the capture of several members of the Parker family, including Cynthia Ann Parker. The raid on Fort Parker is a significant event in the history of Texas and the Comanche, and it has been the subject of numerous books, films, and historical accounts.

Texas Rangers

The Texas Rangers are a law enforcement agency with a long and storied history in the state of Texas. They were originally formed in the early 19th century to protect settlers from Native American raids and bandits. The Texas Rangers have played a significant role in the development of Texas and the American West, and they have been involved in numerous historical events, including the capture of Cynthia Ann Parker and the pursuit of the Comanche after the Great Comanche Raid. The Texas Rangers are known for their rugged individualism, their commitment to justice, and their ability to operate in remote and dangerous environments.

Peta Nakona

Peta Nakona was a Comanche war chief who married Cynthia Ann Parker. He was a respected leader among the Comanche and was known for his bravery and skill in warfare. Peta and Cynthia had three children together, and they were said to be deeply in love. Peta Nakona's story is a reminder of the complex and often tragic realities of life on the frontier, where love and family could be found even in the midst of violence and conflict.

Rainbow Falls Provincial Park

Rainbow Falls Provincial Park is a provincial park located in Ontario, Canada. It is known for its scenic beauty, including Rainbow Falls, a waterfall that cascades over a series of cliffs. The park is also home to a variety of hiking trails, camping areas, and other recreational opportunities. The park is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Christina Kaleika

Christina Kaleika was a young woman who vanished from Rainbow Falls Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada, in 2007. Her disappearance remains unsolved, and various theories have been proposed, including a bear attack, misadventure, and abduction. The case has received significant media attention and continues to be a source of mystery and speculation.

Dennis Livier

Dennis Livier is a convicted child predator who has been linked to Christina Kaleika's disappearance. He was known to prey on teenage girls and was active in the area where Christina vanished. Some believe that Livier may have been involved in her disappearance, but the Ontario Provincial Police have not confirmed this theory.

Hammersley Wild Area

Hammersley Wild Area is a designated wilderness spot in Pennsylvania, known for its natural beauty and seclusion. It is located between Elk and Susque-Hannock State Parks and is a popular destination for hiking, camping, and other outdoor activities. The area is also known for its rugged terrain and remote location, which can make it challenging to navigate and can pose safety risks for those who are not experienced in wilderness travel.

Riker's Island

Riker's Island is a 413-acre island located in the East River, between the boroughs of Queens and the Bronx in New York City. It is home to the largest jail complex in the United States, which houses over 10,000 inmates. The island is also known for its history as a quarantine station and a military base. The island's remote location and association with the criminal justice system make it a place of both intrigue and controversy.


  • What sparked the Great Comanche Raid of 1840?

    The Great Comanche Raid of 1840 was sparked by a failed peace negotiation between the Comanche and Texan officials. The Comanche were unable to secure the release of their captured chiefs and fallen warriors, leading to a brutal act of revenge against Texan authorities.

  • What happened to Cynthia Ann Parker after she was captured by the Comanche?

    Cynthia Ann Parker was integrated into the Comanche tribe and eventually became a respected member of the community. She married a Comanche war chief, Peta Nakona, and had three children with him. In 1860, after more than two decades of captivity, she was discovered by Texas Rangers and returned to her family. However, she struggled to reintegrate into Anglo-American society and eventually died in 1871.

  • What was the significance of the raid on Fort Parker?

    The raid on Fort Parker in 1836 resulted in the capture of several members of the Parker family, including Cynthia Ann Parker. It is a significant event in the history of Texas and the Comanche, and it has been the subject of numerous books, films, and historical accounts.

  • What was Rachel Parker Plummer's experience in captivity like?

    Rachel Parker Plummer endured horrific abuse, including the murder of her infant son, and was forced to witness the torture and execution of other captives. Despite the hardships she faced, she displayed remarkable resilience and eventually earned the respect of her captors.

  • What was the family legend about the Tonkawa ancestor?

    The family legend recounts the story of a Tonkawa ancestor who was forced to flee his home after a brutal massacre by scout hunters. The story highlights the violence and brutality that characterized life on the frontier and the lengths to which people would go to survive.

  • What was Walker's plan during the camping trip?

    Walker, struggling to cope with the loss of his wife and daughter, planned to find solace in a remote waterfall. His plan involved a three-day fast and a solitary vigil, highlighting the profound impact of grief and the lengths to which people will go to find peace.

  • What was the significance of Walker's behavior during the camping trip?

    Walker's behavior, including his refusal to eat or sleep, his cryptic answers, and his decision to go to the waterfall, raised concerns for the host. It highlighted the complexities of human emotion and the power of friendship, as the host felt compelled to support his friend despite the unsettling circumstances.

  • What was the outcome of Walker's plan?

    Walker successfully completed his three-day fast and vigil at the waterfall. While he experienced significant physical and mental strain, he ultimately found some measure of peace and closure. The host's support and understanding played a crucial role in Walker's journey.

  • What is the overall message of the episode?

    The episode explores the complex and often brutal realities of life on the frontier, where survival and loyalty were paramount. It highlights the cultural clash between Native Americans and European settlers, the enduring power of human resilience, and the profound impact of grief. The episode also emphasizes the importance of friendship and support in times of hardship. The episode also highlights the importance of trusting your gut instincts and being cautious in unfamiliar situations, especially when encountering strangers with unpredictable behavior.

  • What happened to Christina Kaleika?

    Christina Kaleika disappeared from Rainbow Falls Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada, in 2007. The extensive search efforts that were undertaken failed to find any trace of her. The episode explores various theories about her disappearance, including a bear attack, misadventure, and abduction. The case remains unsolved.

  • What is the significance of the story about Happy?

    The story about Happy highlights the potential danger of encountering strangers with unpredictable behavior. Happy's unkempt appearance, strong smell of death, and threatening behavior towards the security guard demonstrate the importance of being cautious and trusting your gut instincts when something feels off.

  • What is the significance of the story about the Tinder date gone wrong?

    The story about the Tinder date gone wrong highlights the importance of being cautious when meeting strangers online and the potential dangers of accepting drinks from unknown individuals. The friends were lucky to have been together and to have been warned by the waitress about the man's history of taking advantage of women.

  • What is the significance of the story about the suspicious Uber ride?

    The story about the suspicious Uber ride highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and trusting your gut instincts when something feels off. The driver's staring, taking a different route, and stopping in a secluded area were all red flags that the host should have been more aware of.

  • What is the significance of the story about the strange maintenance man?

    The story about the strange maintenance man highlights the importance of being cautious about strangers who claim to be providing services, especially if they do not have proper identification or appear suspicious. The man's lack of a uniform and his insistence on entering the host's townhouse despite their protests were all red flags that the host and her husband should have been more aware of.

  • What is the significance of the story about the man on the balcony?

    The story about the man on the balcony highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions to protect yourself, even if you feel safe. The host's encounter with the man was frightening and unsettling, and it serves as a reminder that even in seemingly safe environments, it is important to be vigilant and take steps to protect yourself.

  • What is the significance of the story about the creepy toy store?

    The story about the creepy toy store highlights the importance of trusting your gut instincts and avoiding situations that feel unsafe. The host's feeling of unease about the store and the man's insistence on taking her downstairs were all red flags that she should have been more aware of.

  • What is the significance of the story about the deaf coworker who harassed?

    The story about the deaf coworker who harassed highlights the importance of speaking up against harassment and discrimination, even when it involves someone with a disability. The coworker's behavior was unacceptable, and the host's decision to report him to HR was the right thing to do.

  • What is the significance of the story about the ghostly hand?

    The story about the ghostly hand highlights the power of childhood memories and the lingering fear that can come from unexplained events. The host's experience was frightening and unsettling, and it serves as a reminder that even seemingly harmless events can have a lasting impact on our lives.

  • What is the significance of the story about the man chasing the host on a bike?

    The story about the man chasing the host on a bike highlights the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers, especially at night. The host's experience was frightening and unsettling, and it serves as a reminder that even in seemingly safe environments, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take steps to protect yourself.

  • What is the significance of the story about the man who body slammed the host on the street?

    The story about the man who body slammed the host on the street highlights the importance of being aware of your surroundings and taking precautions to protect yourself, even if you feel safe. The host's experience was frightening and unsettling, and it serves as a reminder that even in seemingly safe environments, it is important to be vigilant and take steps to protect yourself.

  • What is the significance of the story about the man who lured the two young women into the temple?

    The story about the man who lured the two young women into the temple highlights the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers, especially when they offer something that seems too good to be true. The women's experience was frightening and unsettling, and it serves as a reminder that even in seemingly safe environments, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take steps to protect yourself.

  • What is the significance of the story about the man hiding in the bushes who approached the host on her scooter?

    The story about the man hiding in the bushes who approached the host on her scooter highlights the importance of being vigilant and trusting your gut instincts when encountering strangers, especially at night. The host's experience was frightening and unsettling, and it serves as a reminder that even in seemingly safe environments, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take steps to protect yourself.

Show Notes

This episode includes narrations of true creepy encounters submitted by normal folks just like yourself. Today you'll experience horrifying stories about Hiking/Camping encounters, Native American lore & one truly terrifying individual


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♫ Background Music & Audio Mix: INEKT

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242: THERE'S SOMETHING OUTSIDE OUR CABIN | 23 True Scary Stories | EP 230

242: THERE'S SOMETHING OUTSIDE OUR CABIN | 23 True Scary Stories | EP 230

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